After her mother assures her that whole grain oats reduce the risk of heart disease the little girl runs away with the box of cereals. The 30 seconds long commercial features a little biracial girl asking her white mother if it is true that Cheerios are good for the heart as her father had told her previously. 3 Over the next few weeks the video received over 4.1 million views (ibid.). The Cheerios commercial “Just Checking” aired on television for the first time 27th May 2013 and was uploaded to the company’s YouTube channel one day later (Tuleja 102). Finally, I will present the realization of the lesson and explain the didactic decisions. Then, I will focus in the theoretical chapter on short films and commercials by presenting their definitions and arguments for their integration in the TEFL classroom. In a next step, I will provide brief information on the history of interracial relationships and current data on interracial marriages in the US. I will begin the seminar paper by depicting the commercial and the reactions following its release. The aim of this seminar paper is to develop a lesson plan on the sensitive topic of racism and its impact on individuals, families and society using the Cheerios commercial from 2013 and the debate it sparked on social media. These incidents are just a few examples demonstrating that the topic of racism remains relevant up to this day and is even reinforced by social media. While the confectionary company Katjes got massive reactions on social media for using a model with a headscarf representing a Muslim woman for the promotion of their vegetarian products (Poetzsch 2018), the health insurance DAK faced racist comments for putting up billboards with an interracial couple looking at the ultrasound image of their unborn baby (Schulte 2018).
Just checking skin#
Also German brands have been attacked recently for using people of different religion or different skin colour in their advertisements. In May 2016, the clothing brand Old Navy prompted social media outrage with an advertisement which featured an interracial family consisting of a white father, a black mother and their mixed-race child (Perez-Pena 2016). But Cheerios is not the only brand which has been attacked on social media for its choice of casting. It received such a strong racist backlash on social media for its representation of an interracial family that the comment section of the company’s YouTube 2 channel had to be disabled (Stump 2013). This commercial sparked a controversy over race and what an American family should look like. In May 2013, Cheerios 1 released a television commercial portraying an interracial family which consisted of a white mother, a black father and their biracial daughter.

I'm just checking if you need a patrol team to assist you with your busy case load today.I'm checking if you think I still have all my marbles.Just checking if you wanted a ride to school.I was just checking in to see if you got invited to that poker game over at Nick's tonight.I was checking in to see if you were listening to your messages.Just checking in to see if you had a minute to check out that demo.I'm just checking in to see if you got home all right.Actually, I was just checking in to see if you found anything.Checking in, See if you got my message about that commercial thing. Just checking in to see if you have any leads on Vincent.Richard Hendricks, just checking in, seeing if you heard the news.Just checking in, wondering if you're still planning to testify.Please contact the hotel in advance if you have any questions about checking in or if you wish to bring a pet.Checking in if you got a chance to look into the below query.